Download the App
For best experience, please allow location permissions.
Create an Account
Sign up with the same email used to purchase/claim. For gifted promos, use the gift recipient email.
Find Promo in Your Wallet
Can’t find your promo? Reach out to and we’ll resolve the issue.
Redeem Promo at Visit
Once you’re at the merchant location, our geo-location system will allow you to redeem.
If you can’t find what you’re looking for, feel free to contact our support team!
Make sure you are signing into MyHownd using the same email you used to claim or purchase the promo. Double-check for any typos.
For gifted promos, the gift recipient must create an account with the email submitted during purchase.
If your email is correct and you still can not find your promo, try these steps:
If your issue persists, please reach out to our team at
Please email to have your email corrected.
Be sure to share both your incorrect email and your correct email.
If you want to redeem a gift card, be sure you plan on using it’s full value during your visit.
All refunds are handled by the business you purchased from. If they decide to issue you a refund and need help processing it, please have them reach out to our support team for assistance.
© 2021 Hownd, Inc.
All rights reserved.